New 3D - Thor Europe

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New Entry

New entry for the R&D Department.
We have added a newer 3D Printer to create more reliable and accurate prototypes.

With the new Raise3D E2, we can print different materials and with 2x speed compared to the old one.

© 2023 Thor Europe S.r.l, Tel. +39.011.995.31.31 -
Sede Legale: Via Fiume, 108 - 10088 Volpiano (TO) - Italia
Sede Operativa e Amm.: Via Trento, 135 - 10088 Volpiano (TO)
CF/P.IVA/VAT: 08356800014 - SDI: WHP7LTE
R.E.A.: TO n. 966285 - Capitale: Euro 10 000 i.v.
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